The United States Department of Agriculture Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA APHIS) is proposing to update veterinary service user fees for the first time since 2012. This update will cover the cost of providing current services, facilities and information technology as well as allowing for the hiring and training of more personnel. The agency does not get appropriated funding for the services it provides including inspection services for imports and exports of animals and animal products, quarantine and certification services, and diagnostics for the eradication and control of livestock and poultry diseases across the country.
An example of the need for increased fees is the increased complexity of health certificates for exports. Health certificates have evolved from one-page, standardized documents with minimal information to multipage documents with country and species-specific information that can vary widely from country to country. This requires more specialization by individuals to learn the requirements as well as more time spent reviewing and certifying each certificate.
A full list of proposed fees and processes for determining fees can be found in the November 8, 2025 Federal Register. Public comments closed December 09. Once comments are reviewed, the final ruling will be published in the Federal Register.