FDA Approves New Drug to Calm Cats During Transportation and Veterinary Visits

01May '24

FDA Approves New Drug to Calm Cats During Transportation and Veterinary Visits


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a medication to reduce anxiety and fear in cats during transportation and veterinary visits. The drug, Bonqat, is a nerve pain medication and is the first FDA-approved animal drug containing pregabalin. The medication is available through Zoetis and is a 50mg/mL solution to be administered orally or in food. 

The drug is given orally and dosed at 5mg/kg to be given 1.5 hours before traveling or a veterinary visit. The FDA states it can be given consecutively for 2 days. The drug is Schedule Class V under the Controlled Substances Act with potential for human abuse. 

In a field study conducted by Orion Corp of client-owned cats with anxiety, slightly more than half of the cats had good to excellent response during transportation and veterinary visit compared to one-third given a placebo. Adverse reactions include sedation, ataxia, and lethargy. 

The FDA warns that precautions should be taken when handling Bonqat. Avid contact with a person’s skin, eyes and other mucus membranes. People that have been exposed may have dizziness, sleepiness, weakness, dry mouth, blurred vision, and difficulty concentrating.

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